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Anyone but Me. Please

Have you ever gotten that feeling that you should be doing something? Or a dream that hasn’t left your mind for as long as you can remember?

I have.

The Lord gives us dreams and aspirations for a reason. He has plans for us greater than what we could ever imagine. All we have to do is be in tune with what he’s saying; close to his heart and obey.

For me obedience has always been and felt more like a task, like something I have to do and then I can move on to the next thing. “Wash the dishes” or “Make your bed” or “Tell your brother to_____”, I always did it, but it was always tasks I didn’t really want to do but did anyway so I wouldn’t lose my few freedoms. I know I obeyed to help my parents out around the house, and for sure will expect the same things from my kids, but it was for them not me.

With that mindset, obedience sounded like a chore or list of to-dos to obey God.

Like, okay God I’ll do this and then go back to doing my thing.

However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Our obedience to the Lord is for us. To take us to the next level, to lead us to what we’re called to do, to set us free from bondage, and to set others free as well.

In our obedience, we are fulfilled and most importantly, the Lord is glorified through our lives.

When Moses obeyed the Lord to talk to Pharaoh the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. Yet in the bible it says Moses had an issue with speaking, so he felt like he was not qualified at all (Exodus 4).

“Can’t you send someone else?” Some smarter, better looking, better at talking and putting words together superhuman.

Anyone but me. Please.

I’ve been there. Hey, I’m there right now. I’m writing this blog and don’t feel like I’m good enough of a writer or communicator to even pretend to write. Yet, I have this thing in my head and heart that will not leave me alone until I write. I’ve felt this for a while now, by a while I mean legit like 5 years. That’s how long it’s taken me to finally take the step into this whole writing thing. Which by the way, if you’re still reading, thank you boo.

Anyway, for the past couple years I’ve started to write then find myself stuck in the middle of a sentence. I start thinking about other people and what they would want or expect me to write; or what if I say something and someone takes it the wrong way and gets offended or worse, what if no one cares? So, I stop. This is the longest post I’ve ever written in one go; just writing what I feel and truly think. What I’ve learned and my life experiences.

That’s the thing. The Lord wants to use you. Your way of looking at the world, your life experience, your testimony. You were truly made for such a time as this. Taking the leap of obedience may be the most terrifying thing ever, but it’s so worth it. It’s like the moment when you’ve reached the top of the rollercoaster ride and you’re about to plunge down into the funnest (not a word, but you get it) adrenaline filled ride.

Life is not meant to be boring.

We’re not meant to conform to the world’s standards, we’re called to live with a kingdom mentality.

All the stories in the bible are far from boring; and they’re all completely different people. David’s way of thinking is different from Solomon and Elijah, the way they wrote differs and you can hear their individuality in their God breathed words. God created me and you exactly the way he wanted and loves each of us uniquely (props to Lisa Bevere). God made us the way we are for a reason bigger than us.

My leap of obedience has been to write this blog and actually post it (and share it).

What’s yours? It may be to share the songs you have written in an old notebook, or to ask to be on your church’s worship team, or it could even be to apply to college. I don’t know what plans the Lord has for me and you. What I do know is that they are good plans because He is good. He lights my path and is with me in the valley and on the mountain top.

So, I dare you to obey. I dare you to live your life not conforming to the world, but rather to follow God and his plans for you. Let’s take our next step. Let’s get on the rollercoaster knowing he’s got us.

What is the next step the Lord has told you to take?

What are some things holding you back?

I would love to hear your thoughts!

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Here are some verses, books, and songs that have inspired me and kept me going in the walk of obedience with the Lord:

Bible Stories:

Esther- The Bible (NLT & NIV are the easiest for me to read!)

Moses-Exodus- The Bible


Isaiah 6 (Here am I Send Me) -Lindy Conant and the Circuit Riders

Whatever it Takes- Lindy Conant and the Circuit Riders

Trust-Hillsong Young & Free


The Last Arrow: Save Nothing for the Next Life – Erwin Raphael McManus


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